In fellowship with Churches Together in England (CTE), the basis shall be that of the World Council of Churches, namely, ‘a fellowship of Churches which confesses the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures, and therefore, seek to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit’. In the power of the Spirit and united in pilgrimage and common witness, they seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with each other.
To be a visible sign of the Churches’ commitment to one another in obedience to our Lord’s prayer that “they may all be one … “ (John 17:21) by:
- Promoting theological reflection and discussion relating to the unity of the Church and its mission (Unity);
- Encouraging the sharing and understanding of each other’s spiritual traditions (Worship);
- Fostering ways of sharing the Gospel with the community (Evangelism);
- Helping churches make a practical response to human needs, and seeking a common mind through shared decision-making, wherever possible, as part of a growing unity (Social Responsibility);
- To maintain and promote the work of Christian aid agencies
To enable all Christians to give visible expression of their common membership of the body of Christ.
The Assembly of representatives of member churches will meet at least once a year and provide opportunity to worship, discuss, and have refreshments together. Any member of a participating church can attend meetings as an observer. One of these meetings shall be the Annual General Meeting at which officers are elected, accounts presented, and reports submitted.
As the servants of the churches the Assembly will:
- Recommend to the churches matters it believes should be addressed jointly;
Consider matters referred by CTE ; - Hold an Annual General Meeting to elect the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and up to two others (together, the “Officers”;
- Appoint such sub-committees as are considered necessary for the work of CTJ. The sub-committees shall have power to co-opt clerical or lay representatives to ensure adequate denominational representation, or to assist in specific discussions.
Christians Together in Jersey shall consist of:
- The heads of the Anglican, Methodist and Roman Catholic Churches in Jersey for the time being (together, the “Joint Presidents”).
- All other ministers and equivalent representatives, who affirm the ‘Basis’ and seek to promote the ‘Aims’ and ‘Objective’ and share in the work of CTJ.
- One lay representative from each congregation which affirms the ‘Basis’ and seeks to promote the ‘Aims’ and ‘Objective’. In order that CTJ may function effectively, each congregation is asked to choose a person who will be active in the work of CTJ, to review the appointment annually, and to arrange that the congregation will have an opportunity to receive from the representative in person a report following each Assembly of CTJ.
- CTJ shall have powers to co-opt to membership individuals not eligible under (1) or (2), but who affirm the ‘Basis’.
- All recommendations for co-option to CTJ shall be made to the Officers who shall be empowered to confirm the membership without delay. The Officers shall review all co-options annually and shall report them to the Annual General Meeting.
- A representative of any Church which on principle has no credal statement (and therefore cannot formally subscribe to the statement of faith in the ‘Basis’) provided that such a Church manifests faith in Christ as witnessed in the Scriptures and seeks to promote the ‘Aims’ and ‘Objective’ and share in the work of CTJ.
- The Assembly, the Officers, or any of the study and action groups, may invite representatives from other Christian bodies who affirm the ‘Basis’ to attend meetings as observers.
Any subscription shall be decided annually by the Annual General Meeting.
Amendment to the Constitution
The Assembly shall have the power to amend the Constitution, but twenty-eight days notice will be given to local congregations of any proposed amendment to the Constitution. Amendments shall be approved by a majority of two thirds of the members of CTJ present and voting.
(The Constitution was last amended on 7th December 2022)